Alberta Wine Tax Changes

On February 28th, Alberta-based liquor licensees received a bulletin from Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) informing us that as of April 1st, additional taxes will be applied to what they bizarrely refer to as “high end wine”. There was no prior consultation with importers, retailers and restaurateurs, nor did the bulletin announce why the egregious increases in taxes were being implemented. 


established 1996.

After 28 years of business, we feel very privileged that we’ve been able to pay our bills all this time by selling wines that we love and believe in. We've never had to succumb to the financially attractive urge to offer prosaic wine or fill orders for the flavours of the week. Metrovino remains a retail embodiment of the unyielding love of wine, the yearning for the beautifully disparate places from whence it comes and the emphatic support of the indefatigable individuals who bring it to fruition. Most of our products aren't available anywhere else in the province, and many are exclusive to us in Canada.

There are still discoveries to be made and minds to be opened; we look forward to more decades of sharing honest and delicious wine with you.


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